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Method Chaining In JavaScript

Method chaining in JavaScript is calling methods of object in chained way.

What is Method Chaining in JavaScript?

We can call methods of object in chained way one after another in same line of code using dot operator. That is called method chaining or cascading. It can be done by returning this in every method of object, so that when first method is called then it returns object itself, so that second method is called and so on.

This avoids use of some variables, the code can be written in single line and makes code more readable and understandable.

Let's see this example.


Here we are calling the methods of object sysObj. First we are calling the method Configure(), then the method DisplayInformation() and then the method DoOperation(). When we call the method sysObj.Configuration() then it returns the sysObj object itself, so that we can call the method DisplayInformation() which returns the sysObj object, so that we can call the method DoOperation().

If we don't use the method chaining then we have to write the code in multiple lines.


Let's see the implementation of method chaining in JavaScript-



Method Chaining in JavaScript - Example Source Code


Method Chaining in JavaScript - Example Output

Suresh Kumar Srivastava is founder of online learning site coursegalaxy.com and author of popular books C In Depth, Data Structures Through C In Depth. He has 18+ years experience in industry and worked on architecture and design of multiple products. This article Method Chaining In JavaScript is from his Advanced JavaScript course.