Library is a collection of functionality in form of code which can be reused.
Suresh Srivastava, Founder, CourseGalaxy
Framework is a collection of generic functionality in form of code which uses specific part written by developer to provide the solution.
Compilers are one of the most challenging and exciting work.
A closure is created when a function is available inside another function.
A factory function is used to create function objects.
Method chaining is calling methods of object in chained way.
When the function is invoked it will have this.
A function has methods call(), apply and bind().
Function can be borrowed from one object to use it for another object.
Creates a new function with preset value of parameters.
Method chaining or cascading is calling methods of object in chained way.
Reflection provides the capability to inspect itself and dynamically invoke the method.
Promise allows execution of a block of code asynchronously and handle the result when it is ready or handle error for failure.
Do Not Reinvent The Wheel. Reuse Rich C Libraries Using Python C Extensions.
Design Patterns are time-tested solutions for commonly recurring problems in object oriented design.
AntiPatterns are commonly occurring solutions to problems that create more problem than what they solve.
Python Programming
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